Sunday, June 20, 2021

Ballard of Avignon

March 26th,  Avignon   

These are the sounds I am familiar with
Kids playing soccer in the playground                          
Housewives filling barrels with tap water                      
Sounds of living, orchestrated, in the background
These are sounds I heard in my mother's womb                   
Far away but so close                                          
They traveled through my childhood and teenager years          
And now they echo in my adulthood                              
In Avignon, southern France                                     
Ten thousand miles away from where I was born                  
Another ten thousand miles away from where I call home
Who says life is a cycle, a loop                               
I do not know I would believe that                             
When I see the ancient white-stoned statues against crystal-blue sky in front of Palace of Pope                           
I know that moment is linked to the other end                 
An end I left open                                              
In Changsha, at Shiangjiang River                              
At a summer evening when stars are twinkling at another decade
I was floating in the water, watching the sky and wondering      
My sister was chasing grasshoppers at the river bank             
My father, standing near the shore, was watching out for me      
I remembered their silhouettes against the evening sky             

I do not know sounds can travel through years                    
I do not know rivers can flow through centuries                 
In Avignon, at midnight                                          
When I sit under the willow trees                                 
And watch the Arches of Pont De Benezet reflected in Rhone       
I heard that heavenly voice again                                
Which summoned our young shepherd to leave his home and obtain the miraculous power                                

It still haunts after nine hundred years                         
After Romans, Medieval, Renaissance and Napoleons                         
But these beautiful arches, abandoned and adored                 
Stand still and silently in the river                            
As if they forget all the memories                               
Memories of war, flood, famine and revolution                                                                                 

O Avignon
City of angels and ghosts
Sun shines here like California     
People smile like in my hometown
Is this a city in my dream          
Or I am dreaming too much in the city