Sunday, April 28, 2019

Moon, Sand Dunes and Death Valley

Jan-Feb, Death Valley- San Francisco


We sit in the van and wait for the moonrise
A ritual we never practiced
Mountains crawl around, hypnotic
Silence befalls

10:30 PM. It is the time of a day
To look closely at everything at rest
Yet in the far cities
Lights flicker as insomniac eyes

Brevity and obedience
Desert breathes unnoticeably
The emerging pale light on the horizon
Mirrors the deepest consciousness in our dreams

The van stays motionless
Surrounded by oceans of invisible sands
We each look into the darkness
Contemplate with total absence.

As we drive through the rain
Past through numerous valleys and canyons
Memories sum up to a few moments
Moments we can reflect on but difficult to share with

Every soul attaches to a star
As every star recognizes a soul
What can the star-track tell us
Destiny or immortality

A starry night creates a love trap
For romantic ones. A elapsed comet 
Is a doomsday prophecy
For the ones in fear

We, the living ones
How much do we need to endure
Just to find out
Our own triviality and vulnerability

But the lake has dried, the mountains continue to rise
Rocks corrode into sands
Salt turns into the stones
The wind is still blowing, age after age

And the living force, hides
Underneath the hardest soil, moves
Behind the gigantic scroll of mountains
It refuses to tell its name and secret


Finally, as if the sky opens a chasm
The magic light, shining through the air
Sweeps over the valley floor
Living a tapestry of fluorescent shadows

The moon is rising to the peace
The world is rotating to the blue side
Our hysteria, refurbished
Is celebrating a new discovery

Buried deep in our hearts
The fragile chord has been struck
By a sudden awareness of wonder
It trembles, sending the thrill through

Reminiscent of the sunset at the riverside
Or the twilight shining at the hilltop
Tears of bittersweet joy
Rinses the dust of ennui

We jump out of the van
And run to the sand dunes
The deadly valley replete with legends of horrors
Is suddenly invigorated by our laughter and footprints 


Touching sands under the moonlight
Is touching the pale shining silk
The silhouette of the sand dunes
Displays the seductive body curves

Serenity glint as tiny waves
The conspiracy of the sandstorm
Is brewed deep in the mountains
Resilient, sand dunes survive on violence

We scatter around as a fleet of small boats
Tied by our common history
Drifting on the mystery of sands and wind
Up and down, step by step

Balanced on the verge of the unified dream
We are moon-walking on the sand dunes
A far cry from the circle inside
Reverberates across the dimensions

Monday, April 1, 2019

To M

TO M  (Part 1)                                      
March 12th 1997, Koeln
When the wind blows                                    
I become a piece of falling leaf                   
Floating in the wild torrent towards the ocean     
Cradled, pushed, and crushed                       
But I manage to stay on the surface of water        
When the night falls                               
I become a carefree firefly
Easy to spot but difficult to capture                          
Fly all night long until the dawn                               
And I become invisible when the first morning dew dries        
When the spring comes                                          
I become a seed in the soil                                     
Eager to see the sunlight after a whole winter's waiting       
Absorbing all the moisture I break through the earth           
Only to find it is already green all around                    
But I can be a river too                                       
     Providing you with the constant water flow                
I can be the night                                             
     Wrapping you with the boundless darkness                  
I can be the soil                                         
     Storing the water for your growth in the spring           
Then, tell me                                                  
     What do you want me to be?                                 
TO M  (Part 2)  
May 1997, San Francisco, Morning Due Cafe

Who is walking towards here from the bay                          
       When poppies are blossoming along the way                 
Who is bringing the fog from the ocean                           
       When the city is throbbing with the faintest emotion      
Who is weeping at the riverside                                 
       Where the waves whisper all the night                     
Who is looking at the starry sky on the hill                     
       Where trees have aged a thousand years                    
Who is strolling in the lonely street                            
       Leaving a shadow long and lean                            
Who is lighting up the candle in the empty room                  
       Meditating on his sorrow and gloom                        
Who is putting down his luggage on the station                    
       Waiting for the train without a destination               
Who is loitering in the backyard garden                          
       Searching in the May flowers for the exotic fragrance     
Who is shepherding on the green prairie                          
       Ready to tell another wolf's tale
Who is tolling the church bell in the village    
       Eager to spread an unexpected message     

To M  (Part 3)   
May 1997,Muddy Waters, San Francisco
In my dream                                       
I saw butterflies                                
Dropping to the ground                           
As petals of cherry blossoms                     
And the broken mirror                             
Sustaining its shape in the frame                
Is calculating                                   
The number of days                               
I put down the shade                              
Close the curtain                                
And stare at the white sheet on the bed          
Our white sheet                                  

In the distance                 
A big bird is flying over

To M  (Part 4)               
July 1997, Sitjes, Spain

The story I wrote
            Last September
Has already been forgotten

The clear sky
Is waiting to be covered
By the floating fog

I walk over
            Numerous streets
                        Looking for my perfect window reflection
Winter marches over
Without my invitation

You wave your hand
And Disappear
In the dust of the metropolis
The gigantic redwood tree
            Is obligated
                        To complete its annual growth ring