Friday, March 1, 2019

Water Dance

November 20th-28th, Dallas- San Francisco

When a story ends memory is left
Like the sands sinking to the bottom leaving the water clear
Through the water we see our past reflected
As an illusion, a mirage
We reach out to justify its existence
The reality trembles, the feeling dissolves
But I did not tell you how I liked the ripples
Ripples of the titillating sadness, generated
From flinging the precious stone of our common memory
Or dripping of the raindrops
In the gloomy autumn night
We both anticipated

Now we are like two still plains
Lying far apart, oceans away
Our rivers never join
Our days and nights never meet
I once believed
That all the waters on the earth are connected
If I unleash my favorite boat
From the farthest mountain
It would follow the creek the river the ocean
And eventually sail to you
But now I know
How difficult that journey is

Even if I had known
The flood is breaking over the dikes and forests
When we are sleeping in the old lullaby
Even if I had known
The secret hot spring is hidden under the ice
Frozen from years of waiting
I would still moor my boat
Jump into the water, naked
The current drifts me aimlessly
The weeds tangle my feet and strangle me
Under the celestial dome
Boundary is beyond my imagination

That is my dance in the water
My flirt with the art of drowning 
When our legacy vaporizes as a faded watermark 
Remembering will become a hard task
But, I am still hoping
When I turn back my head
I can see your dark shadow
Under the last golden sunshine
Gilding through the deserted shipyard
And your mysterious solitude
Is blossoming in the lonely island
You once told me about

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