Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Belarus Trilogy

June-July, Belarus-Barcelona-Koln


In Moscow club
Dave said every girl is named either Olga or Tonia
They could dance gracefully
Or as wild as you could imagine
But they usually could not
Afford the expensive drinks in the bar

White city, white church and white square
White women in the white skirts strolling along the white streets
Belarus loves white and its majesty 
As if white covers the old wounds
Or haunting ghosts from the concentration camps
Or rigidity, shame, confusion, misery and solitude
It is all done under the name of the history’s glory
And culture heritage, tradition, national identity
How many times can a city be born, a nation be born
Belarus does not know the exuberance of the birth
Let alone the pain of the pregnancy
It simply wraps itself with a piece of white sheet
Managing to stay away from the dead and the mad
Quiet, self-assured, but afraid of malnutrition and intrusion

On the phone
She told me her name is Tonia
High cheek, blond, twenty year old
She asked whether I was American
I said, yes
I lied to please her 

You lower your noble head and bend over your graceful shoulder
Just to show how arrogant you are
Belarus, the superior among the inferiors
You cannot fool me as you have fooled the others
Not by putting on the sexy dress in the colorful neon light
Not to a Chinaman whose own homeland is suffering the same illness
Although your symptom is anemia, mine is yellow peril
History mocked us and left us in the thin air
But I cannot speak for you, neither can I speak for myself
Not as the tormented poet with all the hearts but the wealth
For the price of my soul I am buying the American mask
Sitting here, I am watching you, with my cold eyes


In the National museum
Where Chagall retrospective is held
Ira, a medical student and Belarusian Korean
Told me she would go to the best disco in Minsk
and danced until she dropped
If she were only given
Two hours left in her life

Who are still weeping for the land, land of legends and fairy tales
Who are still singing the songs, songs of pride and old life
Who are still reading the poems, poems from the dead poets
Who are still remembering the stories, stories of suffering and misfortune
But someone, someone will have to invoke the wasted souls from the tombs
To retrieve the betrayed passion and ideals from the abandoned monuments
To restore the damaged, the devastated, the anonymous, the forgotten
And to declare a new dignity, with the past fully reconciled

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