Sunday, May 26, 2019

Between Languages

Between Languages

Taking my shelter in the castle of the Chinese
Characters, I gaze at their solitary images
There line up, passing through me, with shivering bodies
In a monotone rhythm of continuous fusillades

After the genocide, the characters are simplified
Leaving behind a pile of arms, legs and eyes
But the language can still walk
Mystery nurtures a famine, as well as
A future incapable of feeding our growing appetite
I share, and make choices with my own race
With my own accent, in a dialect
United by violence.  In the chaos of the ancient
And the modern, my month turns into crater ruins
My teeth fall to the emptiness
Such a scene, such a banquet! Chinese are
Spreading to the world. I have eaten up my share, then
I steal my ancestor’s, until

One evening, I was in the street, I saw
A group of Chinese chasing an American. I guess
They want to immigrate to the English territory
But English is only a class, a manner, a TV program
A department in our University, exams and paper
On the paper I find the resemblance of Chinese to a pencil
Scratching through a surface, worn out slowly
With ink, glasses, typewriter, keyboard
English is gliding through the China sky, making some noise
Here and there. We are already accustomed to abbreviation
And diplomacy, hamburger, forks, aspirin
These changes do not touch our skin or bones. English
Walks on the teeth, whitens Chinese. Therefore,

I brush my teeth everyday, as I am concerned with
Germs, hygiene, and comparison. I thus derive
Some oral pleasure, some bitter taste, and
Awareness of the subtle difference of every fleeting word 
This also affects my hand: It sticks into English
With two fingers apart, mimicking a letter
A victory of democracy, a Nazi experience of superego
A crack in a piece of history. History is all about
Stammering wars.  Opium war, uprising of the heavenly
Kingdom, the Boxers, the Republic, and finally, the communists
I don’t know whether they ever heard about
Shakespere or Yeats, but they knew how dangerous
A language could be. Its metaphor, it substance,
Its destructive aesthetics, exploded in Hiroshima, Saigon, and Belgrade.
But outside the language China has to ally with the West
This is such a dubious part of the history
I won’t know who is more absurd, history or me

A hundred years has gone. What really has happened?
Why do all these Chinese migrate into English
Managing to become foreigners, discarding Chinese
As a divorced wife, and a forgotten home in the broken mirror?
Why do I become a hermit in a Chinese lantern
Surrounded by the paper ghosts, with the disillusion of the English
While witnessing more Chinese metamorphosed
From hieroglyph into alphabets

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