Monday, May 27, 2019


Dec.18-19, San Francisco

Sometimes you wake up at the night
Characters, from long lost memories in the childhood
Tread into your dreams
Their faces are gleaming in the darkness as the dim lights
You thought you have forgotten them
But suddenly you know they are so close, almost within your touch
Yet they have not aged
Their smiles put you in an anonymous chill

In the morning you walk out to the streets
The brisk winter air refreshes your battered mind
The sunshine is still bright
It lightens everything within your sight  
You whistle, imagining the smell of the fresh coffee and bread
Instead you see the blossoming flowers in the yard of your neighbor
Why do they have all these colors, all these shapes
It all happened over the night, commanded by a cryptic language of its own

There is a thin line between the past and the current
Between here and the other side
When you stare at the wall
Feeling the pulse of the stillness, listening to the sounds of the vanished
Time passes through your window
Leaving a taste of the untouchable
It knows flowers will wither; your phone will stop ringing
You close yours eyes in fear and cringe under the bedsheet

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