Sunday, June 2, 2019

Midnight Songs

October 12th French Quarter, New Orleans

                I walk through the crowd
                I see images floating and overlapping
                Ghosts are dancing around me in the melody of conspiracy
                With steps, silent but sophisticated
                How many times have I gone through the streets of desire
                How many stairs have I taken to ascend to this pedestal
                Nothing matters, as if
                But there is the space, the beat, and the movement

                I only wake up in the rain of the October nights
                I smell the moisture and the scent of withering flowers
                There is the solitude flourishing around me
                With lavishness I cannot bare
                But the wind knows the perfect timing
                It blows when nothing is happening
                If the city is lighted under the same sky
                All the people are sleeping in the same rhyme

                When the night falls with melancholy
                A knock at the door pierced through the darkness
                When dreams disappear at the border of reality
                The symptoms of my illness surface with undiagnosed viruses
                Why do the nights tell me all the lies
                Why do the mornings expose all my sighs
                Cover my skin with your wounded hands
                Leave my soul under its disguise

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