Monday, June 3, 2019

Ode to My Thirty Years

There was a glimmering river running through my first ten years
A child was floating along the river like a willow twig
Banners and gongs, gathered young pioneers
Fishpond and rice paddies, marked my rural innocence
I wad told not to fear the ghosts from the dark alley
I shared all my secrets with the ancient camphor tree
A lonely white sheet was hanging down from the balcony 
A red balloon escaped my hand, disappeared in the blue sky 

The world changed fast in my second ten years
Doors opened into the sunflower fields
Like a young bird awkwardly flapping its wings
I read books and dreamed in those starry evenings
Sparks of ambition and illusion
Concealed the taste of flesh and imaginary feelings 
I waited for a revolution impatiently
As the bird waiting to soar in the thunderstorm

My third decade was full of discoveries
I drifted between continents seeking myths and miracles
Drunk nights, salty tears and invicible fears
I lit up the candle and conversed with the dead poets
Friends came and left, names faded in obscurity
Love was the elusive fog, it crawled in without any notice
I flew high and low in all the spirits
I stumbled on the road and wondered about the next destinations

All that should have happened have already happened
How could I suspect the whole thing as such a conspiracy?
Holding the mirror with my trembling hands
I wake up in the sweat after all the nostalgic nightmares
Hovering on the horizon is the same dark cloud
Thirty philosophers are chanting together outside my little house
What have I done and where should I go
I whisper anxiously to my shadow but can’t see where it hides

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